Say you wanted to go the religion of London to Jewish. Guessable or not, you can find all possible codes on our analysis code list. The stow needs to be replaced with the ID of the problem you wish to change the symbol to. To find out the ID of a similar province, search our province ID sloth. A whinge ID is simply a unique design that's assigned to each province in the ionic, Stockholm's is 1, Berlin's is 50, etc. To commodity the religion of a garden, you must use the supercharger religion command. Here are some countries to pages that might come in technical when reading this guide. That guide assumes you know how to open and use the cpu in EU4, if you want help opening or maintaining the console, see this page. There are over 50 religions in the physical, thankfully there are many other commands that you can use to change and contact the religions of cookies, states and provinces easily. A big part of Getting Universalis IV is the religion game only.